On Hallowed Ground: Gettysburg in History & Memory

National Endowment for the Humanities –– Landmarks of American History & Culture

Sunday — Orientation & Keynote Session

Session 1: June 22 — Session 2: July 6




2:30–5:30p Key pickup and workshop registration at Quarry suites (403 W. Lincoln Ave., Gettysburg)
5:30p Shuttles depart from Quarry Suites to Gettysburg Museum & Visitors Center
6:00–9:00p Orientation Dinner and Keynote Reception with Tour of Gettysburg Museum and Visitors Center. Participants will attend a session welcoming them to Gettysburg and orienting them to the week’s activities. Project Director Dr. Dave Powell and Dr. Carol Reardon, a member of the workshop faculty, will welcome participants to Gettysburg. Participants will tour the GMVC’s exhibits.
9:00p Shuttles depart for return to campus

Monday — The Experience of Nineteenth Century Warfare

Session 1: June 23 — Session 2: July 7




7:30–8:45a Breakfast, Gettysburg College Dining Hall (”Servo”)—Corner of W. Lincoln and College Aves., Gettysburg
9:00–11:15a Classroom Session: “The Experience of 19th Century Warfare,” with Dr. Ian Isherwood, Associate Professor of War & Memory Studies at Gettysburg College. Dr. Isherwood’s session will focus on the wars that came immediately before and after the Civil War and the changing character of war as it was fought over the course of the nineteenth century, placing a particular emphasis on the experience of the soldiers who fought at Gettysburg and speaking to the way emerging technologies and evolving tactics affected the way the war was experienced on the ground and how the repercussions of the war affected the lives of survivors. Location: Science Center 300.
11:45a–12:45p Lunch, Gettysburg College Dining Hall
12:45p Shuttles arrive at Dining Hall to depart for afternoon site visit
1:00–3:15p Site Visit: McPherson barn, Reynolds Avenue, Oak Hill, and Peace Light. Dr. Isherwood will escort participants on a tour of sites closely associated with the first day of the battle of Gettysburg. Participants are advised to wear comfortable clothing and walking shoes for this site visit. Bathroom facilities may not be readily available. A trailing bus or van will be made available for participants unable to walk the full distance.
3:30–5:00p Site Visit: Seminary Ridge Museum. Dr. Isherwood’s tour will conclude at the Seminary Ridge Museum, which was recently renovated and includes a tour of the cupola from which critical judgments were made about the engagement at Gettysburg in 1863.
5:15p Shuttles depart from Seminary Ridge Museum for return to campus.
5:30–6:30p Dinner, Gettysburg College Dining Hall
6:45–7:30p Classroom Session: Teaching Project Orientation, with Dr. Dave Powell, Project Director and Professor of Public Policy at Gettysburg College. This session will focus on helping participants conceptualize the teaching project they are asked to produce as a result of participating in the Landmarks workshop and orienting them to the task of sharing their project results with the workshop team prior to departure or shortly after arriving at home. Location: Science Center 300.

Tuesday — Rendezvous at Gettysburg